The interesting thing about seduction is that it is all about getting into the minds of people. That’s the bottom line. You have to remember that there really is not much difference between trying to get people to buy stuff and seducing them. You’re doing the same thing if you think about it. You’re trying to get people to do something that maybe they didn’t want to do, but through the powers of persuasion and creating specific moments, you are able to have them entertain an idea that they would have otherwise put on the shelf. This is what separates great salesmen and seducers from failures and losers. You have to understand that if you want to be successful in getting laid whether it’s with lonely housewives or chicks in graduate school, you need to learn how to be more seductive.
The good news is that seduction has really nothing to do with your physical appearance. It has nothing to do with your personality. It doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of money that you have in the bank. Instead, it has everything to do with your mindset. You have to remember that what you think inside and your assumptions and expectations have a fundamental role in what people see on the outside. Your external shell really is just a reflection of your internal reality.
The good news is that if you want to get more pussy, if you want to get laid more often and if you want to win more often in life in general, you just need to change your inner reality. The best way to do this is to be more tactical. This is just a fancy way of saying that you need to practice empathy. I know that empathy isn’t very popular nowadays because in this day and age, it’s all about me. Everybody’s talking about themselves. Everybody is laboring under this illusion that the whole universe centers around them.
Well, I’m sorry to break this to you, but if you are completely self-absorbed, it’s going to be very hard for you to get laid. Seriously, because seduction it’s all about stepping into the minds of your prospects and getting them to see your perspective by allowing yourself to see the world through their eyes. Once you’re able to step into their shoes then you would be able to send the right signals and the right words that would connect with them. That’s how it works so pay attention to this core component of empathy when reviewing tips below.
Focus on how fun she is
You have to remember that lonely wives are lonely because they no longer feel that life is fun. Sure they have fat credit cards, they have nice cars, they live in a big house, and they are materially rich. The problem is they are emotionally poor. They are looking for that spice of life to come back. They are looking for that spark of excitement. By focusing on how fun she is, you get her to rediscover that spark of excitement and possibility she always has, but has been recently neglecting.
Create electric moments with her
Did you know that by simply looking at a woman’s mouth and complimenting her scent and small details about her create bioelectrical signals? These hormones are not emotionally neutral. This can lead to a sense of openness and intimacy. You have to remember that if you want to get sexually intimate with somebody you must first get them to feel emotionally intimate with you. The good news is that, by simply touching them the right way and talking to them a certain way and giving them the right looks that comfort them, you can create more electric moments that lead to greater and greater intimacy. She’s not really craving sex, she is craving intimacy. I hope you see the difference here. Guys drop the ball all the time when they focus primarily on just getting laid.